Products -Yuzubey-

Ç豆知識Products -Yuzubey-





+Product Introduction

Yuzu juice mixed with Japanese sake. Yuzubei is made by mixing Japanese yuzu with Funasaka Sake Brewery’s sake.

Yuzubei Yuzu comes from a company that handles yuzu, and the yuzu juice arrives at Funasaka Sake Brewery directly from the production area! The use of domestically produced yuzu juice has resulted in a yuzu liqueur that is full of juicy flavor. In addition, the attractive “yuzu aroma”, “yuzu flavor”, and “yuzu oil” of Yuzu Sake are in harmony with Hida’s local sake. The product was created through trial and error, with more than 200 samples being made in order to fully capture the unique “flavor” and “aroma” of yuzu. Funasaka Brewery’s “Yuzubei” is a yuzu sake unlike any other yuzu sake on the market.
Please try it at least once.
“It is delicious!”, “Oh, it has sake in it. I might try sake next time!” We would be happy if you have those thoughts, You can enjoy it in various ways, such as on the rocks, with cider, or with hot water! We hope you will enjoy tasting the thoughts of the yuzu producers and the brewer.


柚子汁與日本清酒混合 柚子貝是將日本柚子與船坂酒造的清酒混合而成。 Yuzubei 柚子來自經營柚子的公司,柚子汁直接從產地運到船坂酒造!使用國產柚子汁製成的柚子利口酒充滿了多汁的味道。此外,誘人的柚子清酒的“柚子香”、“柚子味”、“柚子油”與飛騨的地方酒相得益彰。產品經過反複試驗,製作了200多個樣品,以充分捕捉獨特的“柚子的味道”和“香氣”。船坂酒造的“柚子貝”是一種柚子酒,不同於市場上或大量生產的任何其他柚子酒。 請至少嘗試一次。 真好吃!哦,裡面有清酒。下次我可能會嘗試清酒!如果您能想到“我下次也想嘗試清酒”,我們將很高興!您可以通過各種方式享受它,例如冰塊、蘋果酒或熱水!我們希望您會喜歡品嚐柚子生產商和釀酒師的想法。

Here are the delicious points of Yuzubei .

1.Use of carefully selected Japanese domestic yuzu But it does more than just taste good.
1. 使用嚴選的日本國產柚子 但它不僅味道好。

+Here’s what makes Yuzubei so delicious!

1. The land where yuzu grows is ideal for cultivation, ripening slowly and deliberately to produce juicy yuzu with a high sugar content.
The production of delicious yuzu products is predicated on a good yuzu harvest.


1.柚子生長的土地是種植的理想之地,緩慢而有意地成熟以產生多汁且含糖量高的柚子。 美味的柚子產品的生產取決於柚子的豐收。


2. Low alcohol content makes it easy to enjoy drinking!
2. 酒精含量低,輕鬆享受飲酒樂趣!

+Here’s what makes Yuzubei so delicious!

 2. At 7% alcohol, it has a higher alcohol content than ordinary canned shochu liqueur, but please try it once! It is so good that you will want to drink it again.
The secret of its deliciousness is sake. The mellowness of sake is the source of its deliciousness.
This sake-based liqueur will make you think, “Sake is so easy to drink.


2. 7%的酒精度,比普通罐裝燒酒的酒精度要高,但一定要嚐嚐! 它太棒了,你會想再喝一次。其美味的秘訣在於清酒。 清酒的醇厚是其美味的源泉。 這種以清酒為基礎的利口酒會讓您覺得“清酒太容易喝了。


3.Plenty of local sake from Hida Takayama Funasaka Brewery’s light, dry local sake is used.
3. 大量使用飛騨高山船坂酒造的清淡幹型當地酒。

+Here’s what makes Yuzubei so delicious!

3. This does not spoil the citrusy yuzu flavor and gives it an aftertaste that does not seem to contain sake after drinking.


3. 這不會破壞柑橘柚子的味道,並賦予其飲用後似乎不含清酒的餘味。與柚子清酒搭配極佳。


+Product Description How to drink:Cold
Preservation method:Sealed bottle can be kept in room temperature, unsealed bottle has to be in fridge.

There is no expiry date for Japanese sake, but it can be kept in unsealed condition for 180 days after the date of manufacture for the best quality of the sake.  Once it is sealed, please finish the bottle as soon as possible. (within roughly 2 weeks is highly recommended)

Raw materials:Sake(Domestic Manufacturing),Yuzu(Domestic),Fructose
Price:500ml 1480JPY

+產品描述 飲用方式:冷飲

價格:500ml 1480日圓
