Products -Daiginjo yotsuboshi ama-

Ç豆知識Products -Daiginjo yotsuboshi ama-



Daiginjo yotsuboshi ama


+Product Introduction

This Daiginjo sake is the third flagship brand following Funasaka Shuzo’s representative labels, “Miyamagiku” and “Jingoro.” It is brewed using Yamada Nishiki rice from Hyogo Prefecture, polished to a 40% ratio to retain the full umami of the rice while keeping the aftertaste light. This sake is a rare gem, bottled in limited quantities as an unfiltered Genshu, featuring the best portion known as “Nakadori” from the brewing process, which is renowned for its excellent balance of aroma and flavor.

(Nakadori refers to the middle portion of the sake pressing process, which is considered to have the best balance of aroma and taste.)

This exclusive sake is not sold through general distribution (except through specialty stores) and is only available when Funasaka Shuzo is present at tasting events or special sales. It is a truly rare product, known to only a select few customers.





Here are the delicious points of ‘Daiginjo Yotsuboshi

1.Made with 100% Hyogo Prefecture Yamada Nishiki.
1. 使用100%兵庫縣山田錦釀造。

+Here’s what makes Yotsuboshi ama so delicious!

1. 100% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture With the recent Daiginjo boom, the ratio of polished rice in Daiginjos on the market has been increasing to 39% and 23%. However, this Daiginjo is brewed with 40% polished rice. It is often said that the closer the rice is to the “heart white,” the better the sake will be in terms of mouthfeel and aftertaste. The concept of this sake is to be enjoyed as an aperitif or an in-between-dinner drink. Therefore, sake should not just be “good to drink. We brew sake that will make you want to drink it again, while at the same time allowing you to feel the goodness of sake by utilizing all five senses.

Since this is an “unfiltered Genshu,” it undergoes a brief storage period in the bottle shortly after brewing. As a result, this exceptional sake allows you to fully enjoy the rich umami of the rice and its fruity character without any loss of flavor.


1. 100%兵庫縣山田錦 隨著最近大吟釀的熱潮,市場上大吟釀中精米的比例不斷增加至39%和23%。然而,這款大吟釀是用40%的精米釀造的。 人們常說,米越接近“心白”,清酒的口感和余味就越好。這款清酒的理念是作為開胃酒或餐間飲料享用。 因此,清酒不應該只是“好喝”。我們釀造的清酒會讓您想再喝一次,同時讓您利用所有五種感官來感受清酒的美味。


2.Brewed with increased manual processes.
2. 釀造過程中增加了手工程序。

+Here’s what makes Yotsuboshi ama so delicious!

 2. Brewing with more manual labor In recent years, there have been calls for rationalization in sake brewing. Brewing in an air-conditioned room, in an environm ent that is not affected by the changes of the four seasons, can be said to simulate the cold brewing of sake. However, Yotsuboshi dares to go against the flow of the times by increasing the amount of “manual work” in some parts of the brewery. In January, when it is extremely cold in Hida, Yotsusei closes its restaurant “Aji no Yohei” for two days to spread a sheet over the whole area and open all the “windows” to perform the cooling process by hand. This manual work transforms the rice into steamed rice that can be used for long-term fermentation of the sake.


2. 釀造採用更多的體力勞動 近年來,清酒釀造合理化的呼聲不斷高漲。在空調房裡,在不受四個季節變化影響的環境下釀造,可以說是模擬了清酒的冷釀。 然而,四星敢於逆時代潮流,在啤酒廠的某些地方增加“手工作業”量。 1月份,飛騨天氣極其寒冷,四星將其餐廳“Aji no Yohei”關閉兩天,在整個區域鋪上床單,並打開所有“窗戶”,用手進行冷卻過程。 這項手工工作將大米轉化為可用於清酒長期發酵的蒸米。


3.Daiginjo filled with the toji’s dreams.
3. 充滿杜氏夢想的大吟釀。

+Here’s what makes Yotsuboshi ama so delicious!

3. Daiginjo filled with the Toji’s dream Gold medal winning Yotsuboshi This sake is filled with the dreams of Mr. Hiraoka, a Toji with over 30 years of experience. Although he is now one of Hida’s leading Toji, he is not a Toji who knows everything from the beginning. He has experienced failure and success through repeated brewing, and has gained experience under the guidance of his predecessors. In 2017, our Daiginjo Yotsuboshi was awarded the gold medal at the National New brew of sake competition, which had been a long-cherished wish of Funasaka Shuzoten. Without resting on our laurels, we will continue to strive forward based on our daily efforts and the teachings of our predecessors. “I dreamed of this sake, and now my dream has blossomed.”


3. 充滿東寺夢想的大吟釀 四星獲得金牌 這款清酒充滿了擁有 30 多年經驗的平岡先生的夢想。雖然現在他是飛騨的領軍藤寺之一,但他並不是一個從一開始就什麼都知道的藤寺。 他在反复醞釀中經歷過失敗和成功,在前輩的指導下積累了經驗。 2017年,我們的大吟釀四星在全國清酒新釀大賽中榮獲金獎,這也是船坂酒造店的夙願。我們不會固步自封,將在每天的努力和前人的教誨的基礎上繼續努力前進。 “我夢想著這款清酒,現在我的夢想已經開花了。”


+Product Description Taste:Mellow & Fruity
Aroma:Elegant & Gorgeous
How to drink:Cold
Preservation method:Sealed bottle can be kept in room temperature, unsealed bottle has to be in fridge.

There is no expiry date for Japanese sake, but it can be kept in unsealed condition for 180 days after the date of manufacture for the best quality of the sake.  Once it is sealed, please finish the bottle as soon as possible. (within roughly 2 weeks is highly recommended)

Raw materials:Rice(Domestic),Malted rice(Domestic rice),Brewing alcohol
Rice-polishing rate:40%
Serving:720ml / 1800ml
Price:720ml 8,800JPY / 1800ml 17,300JPY

+產品描述 味道:醇厚和果香


容量:720毫升 / 1800毫升
價格:720毫升 8,800日元 / 1800毫升 17,300日元
