Products -Jingoro soshu-

Ç豆知識Products -Jingoro soshu-



Jingoro soshu


+Product Introduction

This is a “Honjozo” sake made using Gifu Prefecture’s “Hidahomare” rice, with a rice polishing ratio of 70%.

Master craftsman Hidari Jingorō, according to some theories, is considered one of the most extraordinary architects and sculptors of the early Edo period. He was involved in the major reconstruction of Edo Castle as well as the construction of Nikko Toshogu Shrine and Ueno Kaneiji Temple. Just like the sharpness associated with this master, this “Honjozo” sake achieves a crisp, dry flavor while using Gifu’s “Hidahomare” rice with a polishing ratio of 70%. This sake is designed to be enjoyed chilled, offering a refreshing and clean taste. In November 2019, this sake won the Excellence Award at the 68th Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau Sake Competition.




Here are the delicious points of Jingoro soshu .

1.Using Hidahomare from Gifu Prefecture
1. 使用岐阜縣產飛驒誉

+Here’s what makes Jingoro soshu so delicious!

1. “Hidahomare” is a large-grained rice with low protein content and a high occurrence of shinpaku (the starchy core of the rice grain). Sake made from this “Hidahomare” is characterized by a well-balanced combination of the five flavors: sweet, dry, acidic, astringent, and bitter. This rice is essential for sake brewing, known in the industry as “suitable sake rice.” We are particular about using Gifu Prefecture’s “Hidahomare,” a premium sake rice, for this brew.By setting the rice polishing ratio to 70%, the strong umami of Hidahomare rice is fully brought out.





2. A light and dry sake designed specifically to be enjoyed chilled, perfect for pairing with a variety of foods.
2. 這款清酒是專為冷飲設計的淡麗辛口清酒,適合與各種食材搭配。

+Here’s what makes Jingoro soshu so delicious!

 2. This “Jingoro soshu” does not have a ginjo aroma. Instead, it is crafted as a “crisp and dry” sake. Its light and refreshing flavor can reset your palate after enjoying rich foods or complement the flavors while providing a clean finish. As a sake designed specifically for chilling, it pairs especially well with lighter dishes or during hot weather, enhancing the appeal of the ingredients and bringing out their full potential.


2. 這款「甚五郎爽酒」不具備吟釀香氣。取而代之的是,它被釀造成「清爽的辛口」清酒。其淡麗的味道能夠在品嚐濃郁食材後重置味蕾,或與食材味道和諧融合,並帶來清爽的餘韻。由於這款清酒是專為冷飲設計,因此在炎熱的季節或與淡味食材搭配時,能更好地提升食材的魅力,讓食材的精華更加突出。


3.Sake Brewing by a Toji Living in Hida Takayama.
3. 由飛驒高山在地杜氏釀造的清酒

+Here’s what makes Jingoro soshu so delicious!

3. Having lived in Hida Takayama for over 50 years, the local toji who brews this sake understands the climate, the land, and the people of Hida. This sake embodies a flavor that can only be created by someone deeply familiar with every aspect of Hida. The brewing technique respects traditional methods while evolving to suit the local food culture. We hope you enjoy it at home.


3. 在飛驒高山生活了50多年,這位釀造這款清酒的當地杜氏深知飛驒的氣候、風土和人情。這款清酒的味道只有對飛驒的一切都瞭如指掌的人才能釀造出來。這款酒的釀造技術在理解當地飲食文化的基礎上,既保留了傳統手法,又不斷進化。希望您能在家中盡情享用。


+Product Description Taste: Light and easy to drink
Aroma:flat aroma
How to drink:Cold
Preservation method:Sealed bottle can be kept in room temperature, unsealed bottle has to be in fridge.

There is no expiry date for Japanese sake, but it can be kept in unsealed condition for 180 days after the date of manufacture for the best quality of the sake.  Once it is sealed, please finish the bottle as soon as possible. (within roughly 2 weeks is highly recommended)

Raw materials:Rice(Domestic),Malted rice(Domestic rice),Brewing alcohol
Rice-polishing rate:70%
Price:720ml 1280JPY

+產品描述 味道:清淡且容易飲用


價格:720毫升 1,280日元
