Products -Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae-

Ç豆知識Products -Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae-



Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae


+Product Introduction

A Light and Sweet Junmai Daiginjo with a Refreshing Finish.

This is a special edition of the Junmai Daiginjo named after Mr. Hiraoka, the toji who is solely responsible for sake brewing at Funasaka Brewery. The rice polishing ratio is set at 35%. While allowing you to fully savor the umami of the rice, more so than the original “Junmai Daiginjo Toji Hiraoka Seiji,” this sake has been brewed to be a light, fruity, sweet, and soft Junmai Daiginjo.




Here are the delicious points of ‘Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji.

1. A High-Spec Sake with a Rice Polishing Ratio of 35%.
1. 精米步合設定為35%的最高規格日本酒。

+Here’s what makes Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae so delicious!

1. The concept of this Daiginjo is “a Daiginjo with rich umami.” While the original “Junmai Daiginjo Toji Hiraoka Seiji” is brewed with a rice polishing ratio of 50%, this special edition, “Betsuatsurae Junmai Daiginjo Toji Hiraoka Seiji,” is brewed with a rice polishing ratio of 35%. By using an abundance of the rice core, or “shinpaku,” we have created a sake with a smoother taste and better aftertaste than the original.


1. 這款大吟釀的概念是「具有豐富旨味的大吟釀」。雖然傳統的「純米大吟釀杜氏平岡誠治」是以50%的精米步合釀造,但此款「別誂純米大吟釀杜氏平岡誠治」則是以35%的精米步合釀造。透過大量使用米的核心部分「心白」,這款酒比傳統產品更具順滑的口感與良好的餘韻。


2. It is a pure rice daiginjo with good palatability Most Daiginjo sake is often
2. 這是一款口感良好的純米大吟釀。

+Here’s what makes Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae so delicious!

 2. Hiraoka Toji, who has long experienced the characteristics of the sake rice ‘Hidahomare’ in sake brewing, brings this knowledge to bear. Originally, ‘Miyamagiku’ is a well-balanced and rich sake, both sweet and dry. This Junmai Ginjo Miyamagiku truly inherits the tradition of Junmai Ginjo sake.

When chilled, the umami of the sake is more subtle. As you hold it in your mouth, the sake gradually warms to your body temperature. This warming process softens the texture, transforming the initially sharp taste into a gentle sweetness as it spreads in your mouth.




3.A Daiginjo filled with 30 years of the Toji’s life.
3. 充滿了杜氏30年心血的大吟釀。

+Here’s what makes Junmaidaiginjo toji hiraoka seiji betsu aturae so delicious!

3. This sake is filled with the dreams of Mr. Hiraoka, a toji with over 30 years of experience. Although he is now one of Hida’s leading toji, he did not start out as an expert. Through repeated brewing, he has experienced both failure and success, gaining valuable experience under the guidance of his predecessors. Recently, we have received platinum and gold awards not only in Japan but also in the French contest “Kura Master” and the Italian contest “London Sake Challenge Contest.” We will not rest on our laurels but will continue to strive forward, based on our daily efforts and the teachings of our predecessors.


3.這款清酒蘊含了擁有超過30年經驗的平岡杜氏的夢想。雖然他現在已經是飛驒地區的頂尖杜氏之一,但他並非一開始就掌握一切知識。通過反覆的釀造過程,他經歷了失敗與成功,並在前輩的指導下積累了豐富的經驗。近年來,我們不僅在日本,還在法國「Kura Master」大賽和意大利「倫敦清酒挑戰賽」中獲得了鉑金獎和金獎。我們不會自滿於此,而是將繼續根據日常努力和前輩的教誨,向前邁進。


+Product Description Taste:Mellow & Fruity
Aroma:Elegant & Gorgeous
How to drink:Cold
Preservation method:Sealed bottle can be kept in room temperature, unsealed bottle has to be in fridge.

There is no expiry date for Japanese sake, but it can be kept in unsealed condition for 180 days after the date of manufacture for the best quality of the sake.  Once it is sealed, please finish the bottle as soon as possible. (within roughly 2 weeks is highly recommended)

Raw materials:Rice(Domestic),Malted rice(Domestic rice)
Rice-polishing rate:35%
Price:720ml 7,900JPY

+產品描述 味道:醇厚和果香


價格:720毫升 7,900日元
